Higher Options — helping students choose the correct course at university or college

Submitting the final CAO selection may be some time away, but this year’s cohort will already have an eye on autumn 2024

Thousands of second-level students will attend Higher Options at the RDS which runs from Wednesday 20th – Friday 22nd Septembe.  Photograph Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times
Thousands of second-level students will attend Higher Options at the RDS which runs from Wednesday 20th – Friday 22nd Septembe. Photograph Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

What will I study? Where will I study? How can I be sure a course is the right choice for me?

Between now and next summer, students considering what they will study after the Leaving Certificate will have plenty of questions to ask.

Submitting the final CAO selection may still be some time away, but this year’s cohort of sixth-year students will already have an eye on autumn 2024.

Education providers

Visiting Higher Options, Ireland’s largest college expo, which takes place each year at the RDS in Dublin, is a good start.


Representatives from Ireland’s main education providers at third level as well as representatives from institutions in England and Europe will be on-hand to answer queries students may have about their colleges and the courses they offer.

Students will also have an opportunity to attend talks on a wide range of topics by specialist speakers in three auditoriums over the course of the four hours of each morning and afternoon session.

We caught up with Janet Stafford, manager of Higher Options, to see how preparations are going and we asked what makes it such a useful event for soon-to-be third-level students.

“For students, the beginning of their Leaving Cert year can be a little daunting. Higher Options offers a great day out with your classmates and friends where you can discover hundreds of possibilities for where your Leaving Cert can lead you,” she said.

“Irish universities and further education colleges will attend. Some students may want to look at opportunities to study outside Ireland and the EU and UK colleges attending will help with that.

“One thing that students say year after year about Higher Options is that they leave the event inspired and excited to start into their Leaving Cert year with new possibilities and ideas in their sights,” she said.

“There are a few things that are different about Higher Options this year. First, Higher Options is on the move — just across the road though — Higher Options this year will be in the Main Halls of the RDS on Merrion Road.

“This enables another change which is that Higher Options and World Skills Ireland will take place during the same days. Higher Options will be in one part of the RDS and World Skills Ireland will be in the other.

“Students will be able to see a full range of options for their future study and training needs between the two neighbouring events.”

Career opportunities

In a historic first for Higher Options, a dedicated Gaeltacht area will be set aside at the expo this year where students can meet and chat with each other while learning about opportunities for working in the Irish language.

Students will be presented with a unique opportunity to explore the type of jobs that are available as well as the growing number of courses offered in Irish across third-level institutions.

Speakers include broadcaster, writer and producer Ola Majekodunmi, Marcus Ó Buachalla (Leinster Rugby agus TG4); Pól-Seán Ó Grádaigh (An Coimisiún Eorpach); Páidí Ó Lionáird (Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga); Gormfhlaith Ní Thuairisg (Údarás na Gaeltachta); Fiona Ní Fhlaithearta (láithreoir aimsire, TG4 ) and Orlaith Nic Ghearailt (Conradh na Gaeilge) among others.

“The Gaeltacht area at the event grew out of the success of the career talk on ‘Careers in Irish’ that ran for the last couple of years. An Cheathrú Ghaeltachta will host exhibitors that will outline the career and study options for all students who would like to build a career working in Irish,” Janet Stafford said.

How will the talks work this year and what topics are being covered?

“Career talks at Higher Options reflect the popular areas that students want to know about. From engineering and IT to media, law and business,” she said.

“Information topics will also be covered, such as ‘completing your CAO’ and ‘how to choose your career’. The full talks timetable is available to view at irishtimes.com/higheroptions.”

‘Preparation sheet’

We asked for any tips she might have for students.

“There is a good worksheet that you can look at ahead of attending,” she said,

You can download it at the bottom of this artlcle.

“Students attending the event will have been provided with a preparation sheet ahead of their visit. Giving some thought to which exhibitors they want to speak with and courses they would like to find out more about is worthwhile.

“Have some questions jotted down and make a note of the times of talks that you don’t want to miss. Your time at Higher Options will fly past so try and make the most of discovering what is on offer.

“Be open to learning about options you haven’t considered before and make sure to enjoy the day,” she said.

English version:

Leagan Gaeilge:

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Éanna Ó Caollaí

Iriseoir agus Eagarthóir Gaeilge An Irish Times. Éanna Ó Caollaí is The Irish Times' Irish Language Editor, editor of The Irish Times Student Hub, and Education Supplements editor.