Alan Kelly, menswear buyer at Avoca, has an ability to nose out interesting new brands from all over Europe. At a recent presentation in Kilmacanogue, he was on hand to show some of his finds from Belgium, Holland, France and elsewhere.
They include great printed shirts from New In Town from Amsterdam, Abbie & Rose from Antwerp (to which Avoca has exclusivity) alongside handsome military-style linen jackets from Hartford, the well-known French brand.

There were also great jackets from Johnny Love in Norway, while Vedonnaire remains one of its bestselling Irish lifestyle ranges. Elsewhere, we loved the camouflage backpack (€179) from Stighlorgan, an Irish brand created by Christian Bourke, a London-based Irish designer now selling his Irish-influenced accessories all over the world.
Appealing Repeal event

A special event, “Fashion is Repealing”, will take place on April 12th at the Atrium in Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, Dublin, when “feminist warriors” will be out in force to see the work of 11 fashion designers each creating a couture piece as a reaction to Repeal. It will also include 50 smaller, more accessible and collectible items such as tees, jewellery and hats.

Organised by Andrea Horan of Tropical Popical, designers taking part are Natalie B Coleman, Helen Steele, Pearl Reddington, Chupi, Jill de Burca, Manley, Tissue, Caoimhe MacNeice, Louise Kavanagh and Sphere One. This showstopping sequinned topper (€550) by hatmaker Margaret O'Connor will certainly turn heads and catch the limelight. and