Courgette, goat’s cheese and mint frittata

Serves: 6
Course: Main Course
Cooking Time: 0 hr 30 mins


  • <ul> <li>4 courgettes, grated</li> <li>100ml olive oil</li> <li>2 red onions, peeled and diced</li> <li>Grated nutmeg</li> <li>1 good tsp dried mint</li> <li>8-10 eggs, beaten</li> <li>Zest of 1 lemon</li> <li>Salt and pepper</li> <li>200g soft goat’s cheese</li> </ul>

Serves Serves 6 for light supper or lunch
You'll need a large, ovenproof frying pan. Non-stick is handy.

Heat an oven to 180 degrees/gas 4.

Put the courgettes in a sieve or colander, season with some salt and and let them drain.

Meanwhile, heat up half the olive oil and sweat the onions very gently. Then remove from the heat and add the nutmeg, and mint and set aside.

Press the courgettes down to extract as much water as possible out of them and then scatter them around the pan. Add the lemon zest and then sprinkle the goat’s cheese on top.

Pour in the beaten eggs. You may want to “loosen” any clumps of courgettes or goat’s cheese so that they are evenly dispersed. Drizzle with remaining olive oil and then bake for 25-30 minutes until it is set.

I gave mine a little go under the grill to give it a nice colour. Leave sit to rest and settle and then slice and serve with lovely crisp green salad.

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp

Domini Kemp, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a chef and food writer