Health Scan: Connor McKeon, musician

Connor McKeon: never gets enough sleep.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
Yes, I do. I'm kept on my toes with young children; they keep me fit. I play Gaelic football with Lucan Sarsfields twice a week and then I have matches at weekends.

How often do you exercise?
At training, I'd warm up for about 30 minutes on my own, stretching the limbs and doing laps and then it's straight into a game. On Thursday nights, training is longer and I could play a match for 80 minutes with no half-time or breaks. Football is like therapy for me. It keeps the body fit but mentally it's fantastic too. If there are times in your life when you hit a low, you just can't beat getting out there and exercising.
Do you get your five
a day?
No. I definitely wouldn't. Every now and then I get a burst where I make loads of smoothies but that probably lasts a week. I'm not a big fruit person really.

Do you worry?
I do. With young children, I have a lot of people to look after. Exercise is great though. I'd worry where I'd be if I wasn't exercising.

What do you do to relax?
I've twin daughters aged two, an eight year old and an 18 year old. Nothing beats doing a bit of arts and crafts with the kids at the weekend when they are not throwing paint at each other. In the winter, I go to our house in Wexford and spend a few days on my own, writing lyrics. Nothing beats that, especially when I get those lyrics I'm really satisfied with.


What's your unhealthiest habit?
Not getting enough sleep. I work and train hard but instead of balancing that with an early night, I'd stay up until 2am watching TV or going on the internet. Then I'm up again at 7am with the kids.

Connor McKeon and his 24 piece band play The National Concert Hall on Tuesday, November 19th in aid of 3Ts (Turn the Tide of Suicide). Performing hits from Sinatra to Elvis, tickets are available from or 01 417 0000.

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance