76 apartments for D4 rugby site

An Bord Pleanála has approved a plan by the Leinster Branch of the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) to redevelop its facilities…

An Bord Pleanála has approved a plan by the Leinster Branch of the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) to redevelop its facilities in Donnybrook.

The IRFU has a seven-year planning permission to build 76 apartments and new clubhouse facilities on the six-acre site off the Donnybrook Road where the Leinster team plays some of its matches.

The plan is to demolish the existing Bective Rangers' football and lawn tennis clubhouse and replace it with a new three-storey clubhouse with a gym, offices, kitchens, a bar and television and media press box. There will also be a crèche, a new viewing stand, six tennis courts, a scrummage area and a river walkway linking Anglesea Bridge with Herbert Park.

An Bord Pleanála ruled in favour of the scheme saying that, given the established recreational and sporting use of the site and the proximity of the development to the Donnybrook Road, which is a QBC route, the development would not affect property values in the area or give rise to flooding and would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety.


In May, An Bord Pleanála gave the green light for the renovation and upgrading of the Old Wesley clubhouse and to construct a three-storey changing room area with a hospitality and entertainment suite.

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan

Edel Morgan is Special Reports Editor of The Irish Times