Agent: John Vaughan Auctioneers
Number of properties on the books: 10
People are looking for: derelict cottages to restore
Fastest sale: cottage to do up with views - sold for €110,000 in a week
Most expensive property: €350,000 for a four-bedroom period house at Kilcornan in the town. Good condition with 0.25-acre gardens
Cheapest property: four-bedroom bungalow in need of modernisation in Glen, Ennistymon. Asking €200,000
What won't shift? Old cottage about a mile from town with planning to extend. Asking €95,000
Average monthly rent for a two-bed: €555
Daytime Ennistymon: art gallery, gym, squash, GAA, horse-trekking at Kilshanny, golf, swimming and fishing three miles away at Lahinch, the Burren is five miles away, and Merriman School in summer months. Lunch at the Súgan Chair
After dark: eat-out at the Falls Hotel and Byrne's. Music in several pubs, including Cooley's, Daly's, Eugene's, Murty's and Carrig's
Issues: dangerous junction at Lahinch turn-off and bypass needed