What's going up and what's going down this week
Marie MullenHer performance in Tom Murphy's The Last Days of a Reluctant Tyrantis electrifying.
Marilynne RobinsonFor Housekeeping, Gilead and Home, which just won the Orange award. All three are masterpieces, sentence by sorrowful sentence.
AsparagusWith a poached egg and a little hollandaise. Summer supper heaven.
Boot camps and tag rugbyThe parks are full of people playing these alternative dating games.
Inland waterwaysStill the best-kept secret in Ireland. Jump on a boat.
Neil YoungArchives Volume I will get you ready for his concert in the O2 next Sunday.
Father Collins Park, DonaghmedeWindmills, skateboard park, a stage – all neat, tidy and used to the max.
Holiday house rentalsOwners, get a grip – at these prices, we could live in Spain for a year.
Cars on beachesNo brainer. Ban 'em.
Wearing tights in JuneDoesn't feel right somehow.
Standing ovationsA form of mob rule? (See Peter Crawley in yesterday's Ticket.)