What's hot, What's cold

The essential guide to taste and opinion.

The essential guide to taste and opinion.


Modesty:"This old thing? I've had it for years. Inherited it from Aunt Thelma" (can refer to clothes, furniture, cars, men - point is not to be ostentatious)

William and Kate Will they? Won't they?Every recession needs a royal wedding


Lipstick Jungle:We can't wait for Candace Bushnell's new series with Brooke Shields to start on TV's Living channel

Walking and exercising outdoors:Scrap the gym membership, just get out there and move

Winter holidays:Your only excuse to max the credit card, your mental health is at stake

Supermarket price wars:Director of Consumer Affairs, you are spoiling us


Men's magazines: Maxim, FHM, Zoo, Loaded- all have suffered substantial losses in circulation. Why pay for it when you can get it for free (on the net)? Not to mention, why ogle semi-naked D-listers in the first place?

School skirts:Female secondary school students forced to wear skirts to school. What century are we living in?

Eurovision:After last year's fiasco, who cares?

Gap Years:Get your degree, then go out and get a job. That'll be all the life experience you need.

Amanda Brunker:Redefining the meaning of "novel", a term meant to refer to the book, not necessarily the writer.