A difficult and demanding examination

Junior Cert: Classical Studies: Junior Cert Classical Studies at ordinary level is thought to have the highest failure rate …

Junior Cert: Classical Studies: Junior Cert Classical Studies at ordinary level is thought to have the highest failure rate of any exam at second level.

Some 68 per cent of students failed the exam last year.

This year's paper was described as "tough and very demanding" for ordinary-level students yesterday.

The exam is 2½ hours long, compared to the history exam at this level which lasts 90 minutes.


Teachers said the exam would be particularly difficult for students taking Foundation Level English.

It is expected that the State Examinations Commission will come under pressure in the autumn to modify the exam.

The popularity of Classical Studies has increased marginally at Leaving Cert level, where almost 1,000 students sat the exam.

But it remains a very marginal subject at Junior Cert level.

Unusually, students can take up the subject for the first time after the Junior Cert, as there is little linkage between the junior and senior courses.

The higher-level paper was divided into two sections: the Greek world and the Roman world. Mr Michael Barry, the ASTI subject representative, said the exam was broadly fair - although it was a long and demanding paper for students.

He expressed concern that in topic 5c students were asked to name a style of sculpture, even though it was not named in a commonly used textbook.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times