An Taisce lodges objections to incinerators

An Taisce has lodged objections today with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against its proposed licences for the two…

An Taisce has lodged objections today with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against its proposed licences for the two Indaver Ireland incinerator developments at Ringaskiddy, Co Cork, and Duleek, Co Meath.

The environment agency is concerned about compliance with the EU Environmental Impact Assessment Directive with regard to the decision-making process and quality of information and mitigating conditions.

They have also expressed fears about emergency evacuation plans and pollution risks at Ringaskiddy.

Mr Ian Lumley of An Taisce said the EPA had failed to obey a series of rules imposed by planners. "We have very serious concerns about the operations of the EPA and we believe prejudicial statements have been made by EPA directors on incineration," he said.


He also expressed concern that there was no independent review procedure on EPA decisions.