Appeal by family of missing man

The family of a young Limerick man who went missing six years ago on Saturday has urged anyone with information on the case to…

The family of a young Limerick man who went missing six years ago on Saturday has urged anyone with information on the case to come forward.

They believe someone must know something about the disappearance of Aengus (Gussie) Shanahan. The 20-year-old was last seen in Limerick city on February 11th, 2000.

His disappearance led his cousin, Fr Aquinas Duffy, to set up a website about missing people ( which now provides details on more than 200 people who have either gone missing or lost contact with relatives.

Fr Duffy said the family was none the wiser about Mr Shanahan's disappearance six years on. His parents and siblings had been through a very difficult time, and a day did not pass when they did not think about it. "His mother has been quite ill and it has taken a terrible toll on her."


Fr Duffy said he did not believe his cousin had voluntarily disappeared as he would have contacted someone during the past six years.

Close circuit television captured Mr Shanahan leaving Cooper's Bar (now Eric's Bar) on Joseph Street at about 10.30pm on the night he went missing. Fr Duffy said there had been numerous sightings of him since then but no new information had emerged.

"I just find it hard to accept that a person could disappear off a busy street on a Friday night in Limerick and no one saw anything."

Now that six years had passed, it might be easier for someone to come forward. "For every second that a person remains silent, they are continuing to put the family through incredible turmoil."

He asked for anyone with information to contact gardaí at Henry Street, Limerick, (01-61212400) or any Garda station. They could also contact the Garda confidential line at 1800 666111, or the website.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times