Aquaculture projects to get €13.3m grant aid

The Aquaculture Industry will receive a boost of €13.3 million in grant aid it was announced today.

The Aquaculture Industry will receive a boost of €13.3 million in grant aid it was announced today.

A total of 41 private projects (28 Shellfish and 13 Finfish) and 3 public projects will benefit from the aid.

The projects cover a wide range of activities such as development of new species, expansion and modernisation of salmon and trout farms together with expansion of shellfish farm facilities.

At the announcement Minister of State at the Department of Marine John Browne stressed the importance of diversifying into new species and investing in new technologies.


These "will underpin future growth in Irish aquaculture and ensure it remains an important source of employment opportunities in our peripheral coastal communities".

Also included in the announcement is €2 million which has been allocated to 7 specific projects under the Technical Environment Support Programme (TESP).

The projects are all aimed at achieving significant improvements in the environmental impact of the marine based salmonid sector, through improved levels of production efficiency.

"Those involved in the aquaculture industry can work and plan with confidence for the future," Minister Browne continued.

The aid has been made available as part of the National Development Plan.