Castlereagh fallout cost millions - Dodds

Millions of pounds were spent relocating members of the security forces after the break-in at a Northern Ireland Special Branch…

Millions of pounds were spent relocating members of the security forces after the break-in at a Northern Ireland Special Branch office at Castlereagh, it was claimed tonight.

Social Development Minister Mr Nigel Dodds made the claim as he blamed paramilitary intimidation for a severe drain on the Housing Executive's budget.

"We are now looking at a budget for this year of more than £15 million under SPED (Scheme for the Purchase of Evacuated Dwellings) as a direct result primarily of the Castlereagh break-in and we know where the responsibility for that lies," he said.

More than 100 Special Branch officers were forced to move home and upgrade their security after sensitive files were taken from the office.


Security sources have alleged IRA links to the break-in on March 17th.

A number of leading republicans were questioned in connection with the burglary.