Comreg gives unbundling ultimatum to Eircom

Telecoms regulator ComReg has threatened to bring Eircom before the High Court for the company's alleged foot dragging on local…

Telecoms regulator ComReg has threatened to bring Eircom before the High Court for the company's alleged foot dragging on local loop unbundling (LLU).

LLU is the process whereby Eircom's competitors can gain access to and control of the telephone line between the local telephone exchange servicing the customer.

The ComReg directive issued last night summons Eircom to a meeting tomorrow with industry representatives about facilitating LLU or face High Court action and potential fines.

ComReg had originally directed Eircom to meet with industry representatives on February 1st to discuss LLU, but this meeting was scrapped after Comreg took the view that Eircom did not intend to address the industry's concerns.


Eircom must now attend the meeting tomorrow where it will provide an update as to the content and progress of its response to operators' requests for the development of LLU products and supporting processes.

Failure to adhere to this direction will result in an application to the High Court for an order directing compliance and/or the imposition of financial penalties, as appropriate.

Consumer group IrelandOffline today endorsed ComReg's ultimatum to Eircom.

Mr John Timmons from IrelandOffline said: "Eircom has stated that the public are talking down broadband yet they are the ones who are holding it up.

"That the Regulator needs to threaten High Court action is indicative of the contempt and disregard Eircom holds for Ireland's broadband rollout."