Lidl treats: I'm kinda in the opposite situation to Katherine [the Lidl treats blogger mentioned last week], having a Tesco far closer to me than either Lidl or Aldi.
Getting to either of those means a trek to central Dublin, with a rucksack for the cans and bottles. At least part of the attraction for me is the weird stuff Tesco et aldon't carry. For example, I got a kilo of bockwurst for about €4, took them home, then got on the internet to figure out what to do with them. I'd never considered buying feta cheese in chilli oil, but it's great with pasta or salads. The prices mean that I'm more comfortable buying something that I'm not quite sure what to do with. - Brian T
Katherine has a point about the "sniffy coverage". I've been shopping at Aldi and Lidl for yonks, enjoying great food (especially those bratwursts, yum), organic fruit and veg, and good savings. Then I'd open the paper and hear someone practically sounding shocked at the idea that Irish people would shop there. - Justin