Costs to businesses to be reduced

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: THE GOVERNMENT is to take steps to reduce the costs to business that arise through public administration…

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION:THE GOVERNMENT is to take steps to reduce the costs to business that arise through public administration, according to the plan.

Local government utilities and business administration involve public charges while companies incur indirect costs in complying with regulations in such areas as health and safety. Companies also incur costs in searching for business support services and in accessing similar services from multiple State providers.

The plan says the Government will now take specific steps to reduce the costs arising in these areas, in part through the use of the Croke Park agreement.

The 15-day prompt payment rule that applies to Government departments will be extended to the wider public service.


Increases in Government administration charges are to be avoided over the period covered by the plan, though this does not include levies paid by entities regulated by bodies such as Comreg or the Commission for Energy Regulation. The scope for reductions in administration charges is to be examined where possible, according to the report. The targeted 25 per cent reduction of the regulatory burden on business will be achieved by the end of next year, the plan states.

Local authorities are to be required to improve their efficiency, including through the implementation of the recommendations of the Local Government Efficiency Group, so as to reduce, where possible, the level of rates charged to business.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent