Girl (5) died when gate collapsed on her while playing with friends

Sienna Joyce suffered fatal head injuries in incident near her home, inquest hears

Sienna Joyce, who had just finished her first year of school, was related to Logan Joyce (4), who died at the National Aquatic Centre in Blanchardstown in July 2012. File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

A five-year-old girl who was trapped under a gate while playing with friends died of head injuries, an inquest has heard.

Sienna Joyce, from The Ward, Ashbourne, Co Meath, died on June 27th, 2016. Gardaí will submit a file in relation to the child's death to the Director of Public Prosecutions within days, Dublin Coroner's Court heard.

The girl, who was described by her cousin Kellie Joyce at her funeral as "beautiful, cherished and adored" was rushed to Temple Street Children's University Hospital following the accident, where she was pronounced dead by Dr Róisín McNamara.

The girl had been playing when the gate collapsed on her near her home.


Her grandfather David Joyce snr identified her remains in hospital. In his deposition, he said he identified his granddaughter to Sgt Peter Hayde of Finglas Garda station in hospital at 10pm that night.

Sgt Hayde said he remained at the hospital and spent some time with the family, including the child’s father David Joyce, that night.

"He was clearly very distraught at the passing of his daughter," Sgt Hayde said. A postmortem examination conducted by pathologist Dr Deirdre Devaney gave the cause of death as severe head injuries.

Insp Seamus D’Alton of Store Street Garda station appeared on behalf of gardaí in Ashbourne seeking a six-month adjournment of the inquest. “The investigation file is nearly completed and will be submitted in the coming days,” Insp D’Alton said.

The inquest was adjourned under section 25 subsection 1 of the Coroner’s Act for further mention on June 14th.

Sienna, who had just finished her first year of school, was related to Logan Joyce (4), who died at the National Aquatic Centre in Blanchardstown in July 2012.