Boy injured by falling playground gate settles case for €75,000

Ryan Hade suffered injuries to toe and wrist when incident happened in council owned facility

A child who was injured when a gate in a playground fell on top of him has settled a High Court action over the accident for €75,000. File image: iStock.
A child who was injured when a gate in a playground fell on top of him has settled a High Court action over the accident for €75,000. File image: iStock.

A child who was injured when a gate in a playground fell on top of him has settled a High Court action over the accident for €75,000.

Ryan Hade, of Stocking Well Wood, Rathfarnham, Dublin, was aged five when the accident happened on July 11th, 2015 while he was playing in a council owned playground near his home.

He suffered injuries to his right big toe and his right wrist.

The boy, now aged 11, through his mother Martina Hade, sued the playground owners, South Dublin County Council and Monami Construction Ltd, which built the facility.


The council had suggested in correspondence that there was negligence in the construction of the gate and it did not concede liability. Monami denied liability.

MrJustice Garrett Simons was told on Monday that the case had been settled after an offer of €75,000 was made.

He said the offer was within the bracket for this type of case. The child had recovered within a number of weeks and his parents were in favour of the settlement as they wanted to see the matter brought to an end.

The settlement was as good as the boy would receive if the case had gone to trial and he was happy to approve it, the judge said.