Excrement in envelope sent to Irish Water call centre

Gardaí investigate incident at Abtran which is contracted to handle Irish Water queries

Gardaí are investigating the circumstancs surrounding a letter containing excrement which was posted to a call centre contracted to deal with Irish Water queries. Image: Getty.

Gardaí are investigating the circumstances surrounding a letter containing excrement which was posted to a call centre contracted to deal with Irish Water queries.

The Cork based company Abtran, which employs 1,500 people, confirmed that "offensive material" had been received and Garda have been informed.

“The item was inspected by security personnel at Abtran,” the company said in a statement. “Abtran confirms that all necessary security protocols are in place for mails received including provisions for the health, safety and welfare of staff on an ongoing basis.”

The incident is an isolated one, according to Abtran, which has assigned some 400 staff to deal with the Irish Water brief.


Abtran spokesman Tim Kinsella confirmed that no employees were directly affected but said the matter was offensive and unpleasant for staff.

Reports that staff were hospitalised are not true, he said. An ambulance was called and later cancelled for a member of staff who fainted in another area of the building, separate to where post is delivered to Abtran in Cork.