Gardaí break up gang attack at north Dublin shopping centre

Incident being linked to feud between two groups from Kilbarrack and Raheny

Gardai suspect Saturday’s incident is linked to an ongoing dispute between a group of teenagers and a number older men. File photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

Gardaí broke up a suspected gang attack on two people at a north Dublin shopping centre on Saturday evening.

It is understood a group of six men attempted to attack two others in what gardaí believe was part of an ongoing dispute between rival factions from the suburbs of Kilbarrack and Raheny.

“Gardaí attended a public order incident that occurred at a retail premises in Raheny, Dublin 5, at approximately 5.20pm,” a Garda spokesman said. “No arrests have been made and investigations are ongoing.”

It is understood gardai who were at the scene recognised some of the men and intervened. CCTV footage is being used to confirm the identity of those present.


Gardai suspect Saturday’s incident is linked to an ongoing dispute between a group of teenagers and a number of older men. Recent violent incidents between the two groups have seen golf clubs and other items being used as weapons.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times