Gardaí investigating alleged attack on girl (5) by three boys under 10

Girl has alleged she was taken to a shed on the grounds of a derelict property

A Garda spokeswoman confirmed the incident is alleged to have occurred at the end of June.

Gardaí have begun an investigation after a five-year-old girl alleged she was attacked in a shed by three boys aged under the age of 10.

A Garda spokeswoman confirmed the incident is alleged to have occurred at the end of June, but added the force would be making no further comment due to the young ages of the parties involved.

However, it is understood the girl has alleged she was taken to a shed on the grounds of a derelict property where she was attacked by the boys. The girl suffered no significant injuries but was traumatised and upset over the incident.

The incident was reported to the Garda by the girl’s parents. Provisional interviews with all four parties have taken place, but they have yet to be interviewed formally by specialist Garda child interviewers who require time to prepare.


It’s understood the investigation is at a very early stage and that detectives are still attempting to make an initial assessment as to what exactly happened.

The case has also been referred to Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, which is tasked with assessing whether there is a child protection issue and whether a child is at risk. However, it does not comment on individual cases.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter