Letter bomb discovered at Derry office of Public Prosecution Service

Device similar to others sent last week to PSNI chief constable Matt Baggott

The device was similar to those addressed to PSNI chief constable Matt Baggott and his senior commander in Derry Jon Burrows last week.

A viable letter bomb posted to the offices of the Public Prosecution Service in Derry has been made safe.

The device, similar to those addressed to PSNI chief constable Matt Baggott and his senior commander in Derry Jon Burrows last week, has been taken for forensic examination.

Dissident republicans are believed to be behind the spate of attempted attacks. The letter bombs addressed to the two senior police officers were intercepted last Friday at a sorting office in Co Antrim.

However the device discovered today was delivered to its intended target at Foyle Chambers on Limavady Road in Derry. The alarm was raised at around midday and an area of the city’s Waterside was cleared.


There was swift condemnation from all parties and the trade union movement.

SDLP Foyle MP Mark Durkan said: "Those responsible for leaving this device have shown complete and utter contempt for the people of Derry. They are out to destroy, and don't care if they injure or kill anyone in the process.

“This callous and dangerous act flies in the face of the efforts made by so many people to improve life here.”

Stormont justice minister David Ford said: "Yet again we see members of our community put at risk as a result of the actions of faceless individuals who represent no one and have absolutely nothing positive to offer. They, and anyone who supports them in any way, are to be condemned in the strongest possible terms."

Derry's DUP deputy mayor Gary Middleton criticised the bombers for targeting ordinary workers.

“I totally condemn those who have left the device. The cowards who sent this have put the postman and staff lives at risk.”

The PSNI warned the public to remain vigilant.

A spokesman said: “Police would continue to ask members of the public to remain vigilant when opening their mail and anyone who notices anything suspicious should contact the police immediately.”

Dissidents appear to have resorted to parcel devices to attack senior members of the police and justice system. This is in addition to a recent spate of hoax alerts on major arterial routes in the greater Belfast area and the M1 in particular which links the city with the Republic and western counties.