Disease detection service is offered

As early detection is increasingly vital for disease control, the ability to identify as quickly as possible human viruses and…

As early detection is increasingly vital for disease control, the ability to identify as quickly as possible human viruses and other pathogens is of great importance. . Following research by BioResearch Ireland, which led to improved testing techniques, a new spin-off company offering detection services has been established.

The company is called City Analysts Ltd and its services deploy technology developed by the National Agricultural and Veterinary Biotechnology Centre (NAVBC) located at NUI Dublin. This is one of BioResearch Ireland's five campus-based research centres.

City Analysts will offer its services to hospitals, public health organisations and industry. The company is headed by Dr Alan Shattock, of the Department of Medical Microbiology in NUI, Dublin. Its major emphasis will be on analysing food, water and other substances for viruses, protozoa and other organisms of concern to public health.

One such organism is cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite which has caused serious problems in public water supplies in Britain and the US. A cryptosporidium screening service, pioneered in Ireland by NAVBC, has been transferred to City Analysts, which will also serve international clients.


"City Analysts represents an important further step in our aim to create and support specialist biotechnology companies," said Dr Owen Doyle, director of NAVBC. "No other company in Ireland can currently provide the comprehensive microbiological expertise."

He confirmed that BioResearch Ireland was continuing to develop spin-off companies from its research centres, and products and technologies for licence. It was set up to commercialise biotechnology research in Irish universities and research institutes.

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan is Environment and Science Editor and former editor of The Irish Times