Television and radio advertisements for so-called alcopops would be banned under a new draft code published today.
The prohibition is contained in a draft general advertising code, drawn up by the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI).
BCI chairman Conor Maguire
The commission drew a distinction between other alcoholic drinks and the controversial "ready-to-drink" alcohol products popular with young people.
Members of the public will be invited to comment on the code in advertisements to be published this weekend.
"There's been a lot of controversy in relation to these drinks. We had to take a balanced view in respect of this," said BCI chairman Conor J Maguire.
"On the one hand some people would say all alcohol adverts should be banned. We don't take that view. We think there are problems with alcopops, and when we consulted with the public that was the their view.
"It's to do with the attraction of minors, for instance, and younger people to take drinks that are dressed up as pops of one type or other as the actual name implies," he said.
While manufacturers of alcopops may be unhappy with the proposed ban there was little in the way of protest, according to Mr Maguire.
The draft guidelines also state that adverts must not sound louder than programmes either side of the commercial breaks. A striking number of responses in the public consultation earlier this year mentioned the issue as an annoyance.
For the first time sponsorship can include actual products rather than just companies, as is the case at the moment. The issue had caused difficulties, with broadcasters uncertain about how much information could be given.
Existing legislation governing the advertising of bookmakers has been clarified. While a betting shop can be promoted there must be no encouragement of gambling.
Also under the guidelines, premium rate phone lines must make their charges clear.
Further submissions on the draft code are being accepted until September 25th. The code proper is expected to be published before the end of the year.