EHB guarded on girl's circumstances

The 13-year-old pregnant rape victim, who is free to travel to Britain for an abortion following a final order in the High Court…

The 13-year-old pregnant rape victim, who is free to travel to Britain for an abortion following a final order in the High Court yesterday, is understood to be still in Ireland. Her parents are expected to be given access to her at a meeting today. The Eastern Health Board, which has care of the girl, refused to say what her present circumstances are, or when she will travel for an abortion.

While the legal battle in the case appears to have ended, health board officials are believed to be on the alert in case any attempt is made by anti-abortion groups to gain physical access to the girl now or when she is travelling.

Her parents have claimed that the EHB has denied them meetings with their daughter.

The EHB yesterday reiterated its denial that it had ever refused access. A spokeswoman said the EHB rejected allegations that it had in any way prevented, discouraged or denied access by the parents to the girl.


She said that in all child care cases, its objective was to protect the well-being and welfare of the child and it tried to work as closely as possible with the parents and family to achieve this.

She added that once the courts had made their final decision, the EHB's news service would be closing down, as the case now went into the private domain. From here on in, the decision was between the girl and the private parties.

The girl's parents last night indicated that they were expecting to see their daughter at a supervised visit today. The father, speaking on Radio Ireland, said the meeting had been arranged with their solicitor and a solicitor from the EHB.