Europe in 50 years ...

... by the numbers

... by the numbers

6.7 MILLION:The projected population of Ireland in 2060, up from an estimated 4.4 million.

77 MILLION:The projected population of the UK in 2060, making it the most populous country in Europe.

7 MILLION:The projected population decrease in Poland, which is expected to fall from 38 million at present to 31 million in 2060.


521 MILLION:The projected peak population for Europe in 2035, after which time it is expected to decline to 506 million by 2060.

30 PER CENT:The projected proportion of people aged 65 or more in 2060, up from 17 per cent at present.

48 YEARS:The projected median age for the EU population in 2060, up from 40 years at present.

Source: Eurostat report on population trends.

• The report is available at