Five got HIV through transfusions outside State

Five Irish people were infected with HIV last year after a blood transfusion outside the State, official statistics show.

Five Irish people were infected with HIV last year after a blood transfusion outside the State, official statistics show.

A report compiled by the National Disease Surveillance Centre also shows that six people became infected through occupational accidents.

The figures do not specify if these people work within the medical sector.

Two hemophiliacs were infected with HIV outside the State last year, bringing the total number of hemophiliacs with the virus to 116. One organ donor was found to have HIV.


The figures also show an overall jump to 342 cases compared with 209 in 1999.

The biggest increase was the heterosexual 25-40 years-of-age group which has 125 new cases compared to 59 in 1999.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times