An innocent victim of Ireland's spiralling gangland crime was buried in Dublin today.
A football shirt lies across the coffin of murdered apprentice plumber Anthony Campbell today
Anthony Campbell (20) was gunned down in a gangland hit that killed one of Ireland's most notorious drug dealers.
Mr Campbell, an apprentice plumber from Dublin's north inner city, was laid to rest this morning following Requiem Mass at the church of St John the Baptist and St Augustine.
Martin 'Marlo' Hyland was shot in the bed where he was sleeping in a house in north Dublin a week ago, while his attackers also gunned down Mr Campbell as he carried out work in the building.
There was a public outcry in the wake of the double murder, with friends and relatives describing Mr Campbell as a popular young man who was working hard to build a life for himself and who had contributed to the inner-city Dublin community where he lived by forming a football club in the area.