Haider floods row may yet split coalition

AUSTRIA: The flood waters that swamped central Europe last week now threaten to wash away the Austrian government.

AUSTRIA: The flood waters that swamped central Europe last week now threaten to wash away the Austrian government.

Ms Susanne Riess-Passer, the leader of the Freedom Party (FPÖ) and vice-chancellor, has threatened to resign after clashing with Mr Jörg Haider, her predecessor as party leader.

He has accused Ms Riess-Passer of betraying the party after agreeing to postpone next year's tax cuts to finance a flood relief programme.

Mr Haider could split the party and bring down the government if he goes ahead with an emergency party conference next month to vote on the relief programme.


"If he goes ahead I will no longer make myself available as leader," said Ms Riess-Passer in an interview yesterday.

The power struggle shows that Ms Riess-Passer, previously seen as a puppet of Mr Haider, is now flexing her muscles as party leader.

"If someone has something to say, he has to say it openly. What I cannot bear are shots from the bushes," she said yesterday, in a clear swipe at her political mentor.

"You shouldn't begin a discussion by making threats," retorted Mr Haider yesterday.

He accused his successor of "softening or not carrying out" the promises made in the coalition between the FPÖ and the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) in 1999.

Mr Haider said that unless the tax cuts went ahead yesterday that he would withdraw entirely from national politics.

Derek Scally

Derek Scally

Derek Scally is an Irish Times journalist based in Berlin