It's not just celebrities...

It's not just celebrities who are locked in paternity disputes

It's not just celebrities who are locked in paternity disputes. Here are some examples of situations that have arisen in Ireland:

•A woman sent a probable father of her child for a DNA test to establish if he was the father. The results showed that he wasn't, so she sent another potential father to be tested. The results of that test showed that the second man wasn't the father. A total of five men had to be tested before a match was found.

•A young man recently tried to arrange DNA tests for three women at once. Not only was his current girlfriend pregnant, but his ex-girlfriend and her sister were also pregnant and all three are due to give birth within weeks of each other.

•An estranged couple arranged for a DNA test to be carried out to establish the paternity of a four-year-old boy. The couple were no longer speaking so the tests were scheduled on the same day but two hours apart.


However, the man was delayed and arrived an hour late, while the woman arrived an hour early. Both arrived with their respective partners, with whom they had both since had children. While the new partners sat in the waiting room, the former couple confessed they had missed each other and reconciled while the DNA samples were being taken.

When the results came back three weeks later it emerged that the man was not the father of the child.