My Kind of Exercise

Sallyanne Clarke, co-proprietor of L'Ecrivain restaurant, Dublin tells Patricia Weston how she loves to walk, swim and ski but…

Sallyanne Clarke, co-proprietor of L'Ecrivain restaurant, Dublin tells Patricia Westonhow she loves to walk, swim and ski but that she gets most of her exercise at work

Do you exercise?

I run around the restaurant, up and down two flights of stairs every day. I suppose it is not what you may call exercise - it's more of a workout so my legs get a good workout and I go for physiotherapy twice a week to keep them in good shape for work.

Do you do anything else besides running around the restaurant?


I walk whenever possible and try to make it as brisk as possible. I ski when we go away and swim a lot on holidays too.

Would you consider yourself fit?

Yes, the stairs keep me really fit. The running of the restaurant is a very physical job; it's not for the fainthearted.

Do you worry about your appearance?

Doesn't everyone! Of course I do. My mum always taught us to look our best at all times and I try to live by that as much as possible.

Is there anything you would like to change about your body?

Yes, absolutely everything.

Would you have cosmetic surgery?

I will never say never, but not at the moment!

What's your diet like?

I eat very well, but a lot of the time I eat at the wrong times. I work unusual hours so I am hungry when everyone else is ready to go to bed. I am also a chocoholic and I'll have Cadbury's Dairy Milk with everything, please.

Have you ever dieted?

Yes. I have tried different diets with some success. Now, I watch what I eat and I am on a diet of sorts all of the time.

Have you ever used alternative remedies?

Yes, melatonin to help me sleep but only very occasionally. I also take glucosamine for my joints and "eye q" tablets for the rest of me every day too.

What is your attitude towards exercise?

I think it is very necessary and extremely good for one and all. I can be a bit lazy because my job is so physically demanding. However, I do like to walk and go sailing, or swimming, or skiing or whatever I can, where ever I am.

Patricia Weston's exercise prescription:

If you're on your feet all day or night at work like Sallyanne you'll need strong toned leg muscles. Here's a workout to help tone and sculpt those lovely legs.

Perform three sets of 12 sumo kicks and squats. Stand with your knees hip distance and bent over your ankles and arms by your sides, hold in your abs and keep your back straight. Kick up and out with the right leg then place it back down and squat, alternate legs.

Lean your back against a wall and place your hands on your thighs as you bend your knees over your ankles. Slide your back down the wall as you dip your bum towards the floor then slide back up. Perform two sets of 8-12 reps.

To tone that flabby inner thigh area perform these inner thigh lunges. Stand with your legs hip width apart then bend the right knee and lunge down to the right, straighten up and repeat for 8-10 counts. Switch legs.

Perform these high kicks for toned, slender legs and tight buttocks. Bend your elbows and tighten your hands into fists. Stand sideways as you lift your right leg and, bending at the knee, kick out, repeat for 8-10 counts kicking higher at each count. Repeat on the left leg for three sets.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.