Illegal Irish may have died in collapses

An undocumented Irish worker has claimed that other illegal Irish workers may have perished in the World Trade Centre collapses…

An undocumented Irish worker has claimed that other illegal Irish workers may have perished in the World Trade Centre collapses. The construction worker told the weekly Irish newspaper, the Irish Voice, that a construction company had hired undocumented workers in Irish areas of the city over the weekend.

He said he saw at least 30 workers on the day of the collapse go up to a higher floor after being recruited by the company.

The Irish Consulate in New York has already confirmed it heard reports of undocumented Irish building workers being in the twin towers. However, the consulate has so far been unable to confirm the reports and identify such undocumented workers, despite intensive efforts.

Up to lunchtime yesterday, 20 were missing, 10 of whom were Irish-born and 10 who are first generation Irish-American.


"Myself and about 11 others were working on scaffolding on the 32nd floor," the construction worker is quoted as saying. "When the plane hit we tried to get down to the ground on the freight elevator, but it wasn't working so we had to climb down the scaffolding. I barely made it to the ground before the whole place collapsed."

The Irishman says another construction crew made up of Irish had passed his group earlier in the day on their way further up the building. "There were about 30 of them and most seemed Irish-born. I have no idea whether they escaped or not."

Meanwhile, a Tipperary priest involved in delivering meals to rescue workers in New York has said relatives of illegal emigrants should have no fears of making inquiries about loved ones,

Father Tom Flynn, director of the Aisling Irish Community Centre, Woodlawn, believes some people may be reluctant to contact the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Irish consulate or his centre about missing relatives because they are working without visas. Such people had never been reported to the US authorities even when they had serious accidents.

Father Flynn, originally from Thurles and a former curate in Tipperary town, has been one of the few people allowed to enter the restricted 'ground zero' rescue area.

On Saturday, he delivered food and supplies including blankets, hard hats and dust masks to workers at the site of the World Trade Centre towers. "It is a horrific site. We are hearing of the term 'war zone' and literally, it is."

The number of the Aisling Irish Community Centre is 001-914-2375121.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times