In Short

A round-up of today's other regional news in brief

A round-up of today's other regional news in brief

Reassurance on hiring summer lifeguards

Local authorities received assurance yesterday they will be able to appoint lifeguards for beaches for the summer season, according to a statement from Kerry County Council.

There had been fears a public service recruitment embargo would extend to seasonal lifeguards.

Discussions between the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Department of Finance, saw the issue relating to lifeguards regularised, according to a statement issued by the council yesterday.


In 2008, Kerry County Council appointed 32 lifeguards for the summer season and the council plans on appointing a similar number for 2009.

Lifeguards are due to be on duty at Kerry beaches at the start of June, and potential recruits will undergo testing this weekend.

Investigation into dead horse

Investigations are to be carried out into the circumstances surrounding the treatment and disposal of a dead horse, found near Thoor Ballylee – former home of poet WB Yeats in south Galway, writes Lorna Siggins

The animal’s carcass was found in a muddy field close to a water course at Newhall, Co Galway, and a number of local farmers have expressed upset at the situation. The Department of Agriculture and the Galway Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are initiating inquiries.

Local farmer PJ Baldwin said: “The water from the stream runs into the lake at Coole and obviously it is poisoning the entire water course.”