Bertie Ahern awarded honorary professorship at Queen’s

Former Taoiseach to deliver first lecture on the peace process and Brexit

Mr Ahern will take part in workshops and master classes with students and will participate in events at the university. File photograph: Tom Honan

Queen's University, Belfast has awarded former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern an honorary professorship in peace studies at the Senator George Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, the college announced on Monday.

Mr Ahern, who as Taoiseach was involved in the 1998 Belfast Agreement negotiations, in his role will take part in workshops and master classes with students and will participate in events at the university.

Mr Ahern will deliver his first lecture - the Harri Holkeri lecture - on May 21st, when he will speak on the "peace process - in light of Brexit Issues".

This annual lecture recognises the achievements of former Finnish prime minister, the late Harri Holkeri, who also was involved in talks and decommissioning work during the peace process.


Professor Hastings Donnan, director of the Senator Mitchell institute, said Mr Ahern's "political experience will be an asset to both teaching and research" at the college.

Mr Ahern said he was honoured to accept the honorary professorship.

Anne Connolly, chairwoman of the Northern Ireland Policing Board, and Dr Michael Maguire, the North's Police Ombudsman, have also been awarded honorary professorships at the institute.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times