In The News: How Delta pulled the US back into the pandemic

Anger building towards adults refusing to get Covid jab as infections surge again

In today’s episode of In The News, Washington correspondent Suzanne Lynch discusses whether the resurgence of Covid-19 in the US will convince vaccine sceptics

Two months ago the United States’ fast-moving vaccine rollout was the envy of billions across the globe. But with infections now rising across the country and only half of Americans fully vaccinated, anger is building towards the many millions of adults who refuse to get the jab and towards news media that lends credence to vaccine sceptics.

Now the US authorities have reversed a decision to allow the vaccinated go maskless, and may introduce a vaccine mandate for government employees.

How did it come to this? Will the resurgence of Covid convince the vaccine sceptics? And will the belated support for vaccination from Fox News and many Republican politicians make any difference? We talk to Washington correspondent Suzanne Lynch.

In the News is presented by reporters Sorcha Pollak and Conor Pope.