Libel action against `Sunday Mirror' over article is settled

A libel action over an article about a Co Galway man who died in controversial circumstances in London was settled in the High…

A libel action over an article about a Co Galway man who died in controversial circumstances in London was settled in the High Court yesterday. Mr Cornelius Walsh (81) and his son, Raymond, of Headfort, Co Galway, brought an action against Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd, the owners of the Sunday Mirror, over an article it published on October 15th, 1995.

The article related to the death of Mr Walsh's son, Edward (34).

Mr Donal O'Donnell SC, for the Sunday Mirror, read an apology which stated: "The circumstances of his death and the care of his [Edward Walsh's] body were and are the subject of controversy. The Walsh family have been waging a campaign to establish the truth about these matters. In this they have had the assistance of the Irish Government."

The apology stated that the article included quotes from Mr Cornelius Walsh which suggested that he and his family believed that Edward's body had been used by Satanic worshippers.


It was satisfied that this was not the view of Mr Walsh and his family. "The quote attributed to Mr Walsh was due to a misunderstanding.

"We further acknowledge that there are circumstances surrounding the case which have never been properly explained and that the family's concerns are entirely legitimate."

Mr Justice Kelly struck out the action. The amount of the settlement was not disclosed.