1. Seven people died in paramilitary-related crime, compared to 42 in 1998/99 and 29 in 1997/98.
2. There were 131 shooting incidents - 56 fewer than previous year.
3. 66 bombing incidents compared to 123 in previous year.
4. 178 so-called punishment attacks compared to 245 in 1998/99.
5. 3,383 parades, at which there was trouble at only nine, compared to 25 the previous year.
6. Drugs seizures up from 1,588 to 2,058. Ecstasy tablet seizures increase threefold. 1,480 drugs arrests.
7. Crime up by 9.2 per cent on previous year from 109,053 to 118,111 cases.
8. Offences "cleared" by RUC up by 13.8 per cent, from 31,639 to 36,004.