Prelate `unaware of other child abuses by Payne'

The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Desmond Connell, has said he was unaware that Ivan Payne was involved in the abuse of other children…

The Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Desmond Connell, has said he was unaware that Ivan Payne was involved in the abuse of other children when in 1993 he authorised a £30,000 loan to the priest so he could pay compensation to Mr Andrew Madden. In 1981 Mr Madden first reported that he had been abused by Payne when he was a curate in the Cabra area of the city.

Speaking yesterday at two Masses in St Fintan's Church, Sutton, where Payne served for 13 years until 1995, Dr Connell said he had only become aware of the extent of Payne's wrongdoing "since the commencement of the Garda investigation and through court process". He went on to say that "when in 1993 I authorised a loan to assist Father Payne in making a personal settlement, I had no knowledge or suspicion of any other abuse. Indeed the diocese had expert psychiatric advice which foresaw no risk of a recurrence of such behaviour and assured us that he could be permitted to remain in ministry."

Dr Connell said he had put in place in the diocese a comprehensive structure for responding to complaints of child sex abuse. It was, he said, his "earnest desire that anyone who approaches us with such complaints will receive a sympathetic and practical response."

In Sutton parish the parish priest, Father Ray Molony, and Father Enda Cunningham, along with the parish council, were making sure they were available to respond as far as they can to any concerns parishioners may have, he said. He was "actively" supporting them in this, and would continue to do so, as would those working with him in the diocese.


Opening his remarks, which were made after Communion at both Masses, Dr Connell said he very much wanted to be there "to be with you today and to meet you at this difficult time." He described child sexual abuse as "a grave evil" which evoked a sense of betrayal and abhorrence among all. As bishop he acknowledged the great distress that had been caused and wanted to express his deep sorrow to those who had been injured and to all who were hurt by what had happened.

He called for prayers for those who had suffered, for their families, for Payne's mother, "and for Father Payne himself as he prepares to face the consequences of what he has done."

Last Friday, Payne (54) was remanded on continuing bail by Dublin Circuit Criminal Court after admitting abusing eight boys in Dublin on unknown dates from the late 1960s. He will be sentenced on April 27th.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times