Hamilton Lecture to reveal secrets of the universe

THE SECRETS of the universe will be revealed when one of the world's leading cosmologists comes to Dublin to explain the latest…

THE SECRETS of the universe will be revealed when one of the world's leading cosmologists comes to Dublin to explain the latest findings on the evolution of the cosmos.

Harvard's Prof Lisa Randall will deliver the annual Hamilton Lecture on October 16th at Trinity College Dublin.

Warped Passages: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensionsis the title chosen by Randall. It reflects a research area of particular interest to her - the possibility that there may be other universes with more dimensions than our own.

She will explain these complex theories and how experiments may actually prove the existence of these universes. The Hamilton Lecture takes place each year on October 16th to celebrate the life and work of Ireland's greatest scientist, William Rowan Hamilton.


It is organised by the Royal Irish Academy and The Irish Timesand is sponsored by Depfa Bank.

Randall's talk takes place at 7.30pm in the Burke Lecture Theatre, Arts Block, Trinity College.

Tickets for the event are free but a booking must be made, given the limited number of seats available. Register for places online at www.ria.ie. A limited number of tickets may also be booked by phone on 01-6762570, extension 236.