Shelbourne Hotel gym closes on Sunday

Up to 700 members of the health and fitness centre at the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, were told by management yesterday that the…

Up to 700 members of the health and fitness centre at the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, were told by management yesterday that the business is to shut its doors indefinitely from next Sunday evening.

The consortium of property developers which bought the hotel for €160 million in 2004 have decided to convert most of the gymnasium into a luxury spa complex.

Mr Liam Doyle, the hotel's general manager, confirmed the closure to the club's seven staff members last Friday, but the announcement was greeted with little surprise as employees were warned two months ago about the possible closure.

However, the club's members, estimated to be between 600 and 700, were only notified by post yesterday morning.


According to the Shelbourne Club's manager, Caroline Naughton, members who have already paid monthly or annual subscription rates will be fully reimbursed up to Sunday when the gym will close at 8pm.

Ann-Marie Whelan, the hotel's sales and marketing manager, said the club's former members would be given the "first opportunity to rejoin the centre" if the new five-star spa complex featured a gymnasium.