Students fail on EU

YET another survey has shown that while Irish young people might be generally enthusiastic, about Europe, their knowledge of …

YET another survey has shown that while Irish young people might be generally enthusiastic, about Europe, their knowledge of EU affairs is abysmal.

Two thirds of Leaving Certificate students surveyed were unable to say when Ireland joined the EU, and three quarters were unable to name the President of the European Commission, Mr Jacques Santer.

Almost 85 per cent of young people could not name the European Parliament constituency in which they live, or when the Treaty of Rome wash signed, the survey carried out by business studies students at Athlone RTC found.

The survey of 3,900 students in 78 schools found that 74 per cent of young people did not know what the letters EMU mean.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.