Take your time, and then move on

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?: Don't rush in - give yourself a day or two to digest the results, advises careers expert Brian Mooney

 WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?: Don't rush in - give yourself a day or two to digest the results, advises careers expert Brian Mooney

1. Getting the information you need

When you opens the envelope this morning you will find two important documents. These are:

• The statement of the student's results, will list the grades achieved in each subject which they undertook in June.


• The application form for viewing scripts, containing details regarding the arrangements for viewing of scripts, where a recheck may be considered.

The forms are personalised and will show each candidate's exam details, including their subjects.

This enables students to personally view their work, free of charge, prior to deciding to request a recheck of a subject.

Students who, for any reason, cannot visit their school, can obtain their result over the telephone and internet, by using a PIN number and their examination number. This year both services will operate from noon today.

Candidates will also have access to all the supporting documentation necessary to avail of the appeal and viewing process at their school.

The number to call within the Republic is 1530 719 290: calls cost 33c per minute; outside the Republic dial 00353 1 258 8588, international call rates apply. The address for access to results via the internet is www.examinations.ie

My advice is to give yourself a day or two to reflect on what you have achieved, before making any decision regarding rechecks. You have until next Tuesday, August 23rd, to inform your school that you wish to view a particular subject paper, as this is the final date for posting appeals to the State Exams Commission.

2. How to view your Leaving Cert paper and appeal your grades

If a candidate decides to proceed with viewing one or more of their scripts, they should follow the detailed instructions in the candidate appeals booklet, provided to each school today and available on www.examinations.ie

Viewing will take place in your local school. The dates are:

• Friday, September 2nd, between 6pm and 9pm (Session 1),

• Saturday, September 3rd, from 9am and noon (Session 2), and 2pm to 5pm (Session 3).

The Organising Superintendent appointed by the State Examinations Commission to each school, will assign candidates a specific viewing session.

The student must be present to view the script: they cannot send someone in their place. Students are also entitled to bring one other person with them when viewing the script. Many students may wish to ask their subject teacher to view the script with them.

If so, inform the principal of such a request next Tuesday, to enable them to pass such a request on to the teacher concerned. If, having examined the script, a student decides to request a recheck; he/she must do so immediately.

Schools will have to submit the applications to the SEC by post on Tuesday, September 6th.

The fees are:

• €37 per Leaving Certificate subject.

• €14.50 in the case of a Leaving Certificate applied subject

The fees are payable by bank giro form provided by the SEC, through any bank, or by credit card over the internet.

The SEC says many students return their appeal form without proof of payment; either the stamped personalised bank giro if paid at the bank, or the internet confirmation record if paid on-line by credit card.

Such incomplete applications can invalidate the appeal request. If the recheck leads to a higher grade, the payment will be refunded.

In 2004, appeal applications were made against 10,136 results in 31 subjects, leading to 2,064 upgrades and seven downgrades.

In some of these cases it may be wise to consider repeating sixth year, but the numbers choosing to do so have been dropping in recent years.

This year, there are 4,065 external (non-school-based) candidates; many of them are adults returning to education after many years, and 2,704 students are attempting the exam for the second time.

3. CAO and non-CAO options:

For students who wish to continue their education at third level and are awaiting offers from the CAO, I will be writing extensively on this process in daily column beginning tomorrow.

For the many students not contemplating this route, there is a huge variety of places available in a range of options around the country.

Thousands of places may still be available in the many excellent Further Education (FE) courses. There is no centralised application system for FE courses. Each college handles its own applications.

If you have not already considered this option, details on all such courses are available from your guidance counsellor in your local school. Another option is an apprenticeship, which is taken up by thousands of students after successfully completing the Leaving Certificate each year.

Even though the Celtic Tiger seems to be returning, Ireland is coming under competitive pressure from developing economies, particularly the 10 new member states of the EU which are now competing directly with us for each job - the best way to improve your chances of worthwhile employment is to continue with your education.

This does not mean that there are not thousands of worthwhile places available in direct employment where the employer will provide opportunities for further training and education to staff.