This year marks the 200th anniversary of the building of the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin. It is also 25 years since the chapel ceased to be used as a place of worship by the Church of Ireland exclusively and was made available to all the Christian traditions.
To mark these anniversaries several events have been organised, the first of which is a lecture by the Rev Dr John Polkinghorne, the distinguished scientist and theologian.
Information on inter-church marriage and baptism - The Irish inter-church meeting has produced a leaflet which provides material for those involved in inter-church marriages and in the baptism of children of inter-church couples. The leaflet is available free of charge from the Inter-Church Centre, 48 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast BT9 6AZ, telephone 663145 (Belfast).
Armagh, January 26th: - Irish School of Ecumenics/Queen's University Belfast: second term starts of the course "Knowing Ourselves? Knowing Others?" Runs until March 30th, 1998, 7.309.30 p.m. Venue: 39 Abbey Street, Armagh.
Belfast - January 22nd: Second term starts of the course "Reconciliation in Religion and Society". Runs for 10 weeks until April 2nd, 1998. Venue: 48 Elmwood Avenue, Belfast.
Derry - January 24th: Irish School of Ecumenics/University of Ulster Certificate Course (run over two years; eight sessions per year, plus three residential weekends at Corrymeela). For details, contact ISE. Tel: Dublin 260 1144; Belfast 66 44 24 or 38 27 50.
Dublin - Monday, January 26th, 8 p.m., Walton Theatre, Trinity College. Public Lecture: "Science, Religion and the Common Search for Truth". Speaker: Rev Dr John Polkinghorne.
Wednesday nights, 7.309.30 p.m., Irish School of Ecumenics, Bea House, Milltown Park, Sandford Road, Dublin 6: "Difference on our Doorstep - Threat or Opportunity?" A Christian approach to people of other world religions and minority groups who form part of Irish society today, and an exploration of some of the issues which this raises. Further details from Pam Stotter, Adult Education Office, ISE. Tel: 260 1144; Fax: 260 1158.
Wednesday, January 21st, Dublin Central Mission, Lower Abbey Street, 1.05 p.m.: Annual Ecumenical Healing Service, under the auspices of the Church's Ministry of Healing. Preacher: Rev Dr Kenneth Wilson.
Enniskillen - January 26th: Course of seven sessions, 810 p.m., January 26th-March 12th: "Sharing our Faith's Journey". Venue: Library Hall.
Items to be included in Ecumenical Notes should be sent to Dr Andrew Pierce, CITC, Braemor Park, Dublin 14. Tel: 492 3506; Fax: 492 3082; email: