Twenty-two RUC hurt in north Belfast riots

Overnight rioting between loyalists and nationalists in three areas of north Belfast has left 22 RUC officers injured.

Overnight rioting between loyalists and nationalists in three areas of north Belfast has left 22 RUC officers injured.

The Ardoyne Road remained strewn with bricks, bottles and burned-out cars after last night's rioting.

Confrontation flared near the contested Holy Cross Catholic girls' school on the Ardoyne Road.

This morning, an RUC officer was injured when a pipebomb was thrown at police lines allowing Catholic parents and their children to reach the school.


An RUC spokesman said more than 135 petrol bombs were thrown during disturbances around Ardoyne, North Queen Street and the Limestone Road overnight.

Five rounds were fired at police from the loyalist side in Ardoyne, and three shots were fired from the nationalist side in Limestone Road.

Several blast bombs were also thrown. One caused severe damage to two house in the Newington/Limestone Road area when it ignited a oil tanker.

The RUC spokesman said none of the officers injured in the trouble is believed to be seriously hurt.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times