Two years in jail for attacking partner

A man who tried to strangle his partner and stab two gardaí, and who then threatened to kill his young children, was yesterday…

A man who tried to strangle his partner and stab two gardaí, and who then threatened to kill his young children, was yesterday jailed for two years.

Simon Knowd (33), Basin Street, Dublin, admitted assaulting his former partner, Martina McCree, at Lynch's caravan park in Bettystown, Co Meath, and producing a knife in the early hours of August 31st, 2005.

Trim Circuit Court heard the couple were on holidays and had gone drinking in a local pub. They returned to the caravan and Ms McCree went to bed at about 10pm.

She woke up when she was punched in the face by Knowd, who then tried to strangle her. She got away and ran into the kitchen area, where she found the caravan door was locked.


He then took a small kitchen knife and tried to stab her. She was able to escape through a window and seek help.

When gardaí arrived Knowd was in the caravan with the children - aged two and three - and told Sgt Declan Power he would kill them if gardaí entered the caravan.

Gardaí did enter, wearing body armour and carrying shields. Sgt Power said he tried to stab both gardaí and struck out at them and at the shields.

They disarmed him and he was taken to hospital as it emerged he had taken prescription drugs and alcohol.

Ms McCree suffered bruising to her face, including black eyes, and told Judge Michael O'Shea her children were still suffering. One of them is receiving play therapy and they ask her why she left them alone in the caravan with Knowd.

Knowd's defence barrister outlined a history of Knowd being in care as a child. He said he was physically and psychologically abused in Madonna House.

He had lived rough on the streets and was treated for extreme depression.

Judge O'Shea said it was clear he had suffered and had difficulties but he had carried out a brutal assault. He imposed two years on each charge, to run concurrently.