Victim Support dismissal case is settled

A case of constructive dismissal taken by the former chief executive of Victim Support, Ms Lillian McGovern, against the organisation…

A case of constructive dismissal taken by the former chief executive of Victim Support, Ms Lillian McGovern, against the organisation was settled between the parties yesterday.

Following the agreement, the terms of which were not disclosed, Ms McGovern confirmed a civil case would not now go ahead.

After the brief hearing at the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Dublin, she said she was very happy with the outcome.

"I'm very relieved and send best wishes for Victim Support. It was the best outcome that could have been achieved and the best for the organisation," she said.


The Employment Appeals Tribunal hearing was due to start yesterday, but after talks between the legal teams, the chairman, Mr Dermot McCarthy, was informed the parties had come to an agreement.

The chairman said that by May 19th, the claimants should write confirming the settlement had been implemented.

Details of the settlement were not made public and evidence was not presented.

At a preliminary hearing last August, Ms Mary Irvine SC, for Ms McGovern, indicated that her complaints covered a four-year period, focusing particularly on nine months. Ms McGovern left the organisation in the autumn of last year.

Victim Support was represented by Mr Ercus Stewart SC. When contacted yesterday, a spokeswoman at Victim Support said there would be no statement or comment.