Violence continues in Somalia capital

Clashes broke out in Mogadishu for the third day today between gunmen and Ethiopian troops helping the government fight an insurgency…

Clashes broke out in Mogadishu for the third day today between gunmen and Ethiopian troops helping the government fight an insurgency many fear could plunge Somalia back into civil war.

Witnesses heard shelling and cannon fire near a former defence headquarters, the scene of repeated fighting between insurgents and the government and its Ethiopian allies since Wednesday.

At least 16 people have been killed and hundreds more wounded this week in the bloodiest clashes since the government and Ethiopian troops seized the coastal city from rival Islamists three months ago.

Thousands of residents have fled almost daily guerrilla attacks in Mogadishu that were blamed on Islamist remnants and clansmen angry at a government trying to restore central rule to Somalia after 16 years of lawlessness.


Residents say the latest violence coincides with a government-led disarmament drive which has provoked particular resistance from Mogadishu's dominant Hawiye clan.

President Abdullahi Yusuf's government says it wants to secure the city before a reconciliation conference scheduled for April 16th.

A tentative agreement on a ceasefire made yesterday was broken by today's clashes.

Analysts say there may be worse violence to come with disgruntled factions likely to exploit popular anger at any forced disarmament and at foreign troops.