Warrant for addict who is 'playing ducks and drakes'

A BENCH warrant has been issued for a Meath drug addict who was described as "playing ducks and drakes" with the courts.

A BENCH warrant has been issued for a Meath drug addict who was described as "playing ducks and drakes" with the courts.

Kevin Ducie had an 18-month sentence suspended last year on condition he entered a drug rehabilitation programme, but the sentence can be activated if he does not remain sober.

Ducie, Stonehaven, Ashbourne, had pleaded guilty to charges of endangerment and dangerous driving arising out of two incidents in 2005, five months apart.

In the first incident, he drove a lorry up the driveway to his home with a Garda sergeant clinging to the side, and, on the second occasion, he sparked a 14-mile Garda chase.


He was sentenced to 2½ years in prison last year but was released on condition he entered a two-year rehabilitation programme.

He had spent almost a year in custody and Judge O'Shea suspended the final 18 months to give him a chance to beat his drink and drug habits.

When the case was called at Trim Circuit Court yesterday, his defence handed in a note from a GP stating he was not fit to attend court. However, Judge Michael O'Shea said it was not sufficient.

Jonathan Kilfeather, prosecuting, said Ducie was "playing ducks and drakes" with the courts and he was anxious that the case proceed.

He said there was a one-line medical certificate provided that morning and he was asking the court for a bench warrant.

He said the case had been adjourned previously and last February, there was evidence Ducie had not attended the drug-treatment programme.

Judge O'Shea said he had no information on his medical condition and why he was not fit to attend and he was not satisfied with the explanation that he was simply medically unfit.

He directed that a warrant be issued for Ducie.