Waterford tall ships event set for next week

WATERFORD CITY is in its final preparations for hosting The Tall Ships Races 2011, which is expected to attract about 500,000…

WATERFORD CITY is in its final preparations for hosting The Tall Ships Races 2011, which is expected to attract about 500,000 people over the four days to July 3rd.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny will officially open the event at 3.15pm on the riverside at William Vincent Wallace Plaza to a performance by a choir of 250 Waterford voices of Come the Sails, a specially-commissioned composition.

Waterford-born international illusionist and television presenter Keith Barry, who has sealed a series of predictions in a triple-locked and welded vault in the city, will reveal all on Thursday.

When the launch event draws to a close with an Irish Air Corps fly-past and ships horns, daytime fireworks “will provide an atmospheric and vibrant start to the four days of festival fun”, according to the organisers yesterday.


For safety reasons the plaza will be confined to ticketholders for the launch event, while the adjoining quayside will be pedestrian-only and open to the public.

Mr Kenny said yesterday: “Waterford will be en fete to host The Tall Ships Races 2011 with four exciting days in prospect on land and water.

“I look forward to launching the event on June 30th and know this is an occasion Waterford has been working towards for a number of years.

“With Waterford as the first host port for this year’s race series, I am particularly pleased that well over 100 Irish trainees will climb aboard some of the 45 tall ships from countries as diverse as Russia and Colombia that are assembling in Ireland’s oldest city,” Mr Kenny said.

Further information about the event is available at waterfordtallshipsrace.ie and facebook.com/enjoywaterford.

Ciarán Murphy

Ciarán Murphy

Ciarán Murphy, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a sports journalist. He writes about Gaelic games