Hong Kong jails ‘Occupy’ leaders over 2014 democracy protests

‘We maintain our determination to achieve universal suffrage ... this won’t change’

Members of the media surround a prison van as it transports leaders of the democracy movement from the West Kowloon Magistrates Court in Hong Kong. Photograph: Getty Images

A Hong Kong court jailed four leaders of 2014 pro-democracy protests on Wednesday amid heightened concerns over the decline of freedoms in the China-ruled city nearly five years after activists took to the streets in mass protests.

The sentencing of the nine activists followed a near month-long trial that was closely watched as China’s Communist Party leaders have put Hong Kong’s autonomy under increasing strain, stoking concern among foreign governments, rights groups and business people.

Law professor Benny Tai (54) and retired sociologist Chan Kin-man (60) were both jailed for 16 months for conspiracy to commit public nuisance tied to the protests that paralysed parts of the Asian financial centre for 79 days in late 2014 and became known as the Umbrella Movement.

Their sentence had been reduced by two months given their clean criminal record and positive character, justice Johnny Chan said.


Pro-democracy lawmaker Shiu Ka-chun and activist Raphael Wong were both jailed for eight months for inciting public nuisance.

“We maintain our determination to achieve universal suffrage ... this won’t change,” Wong shouted out in court as he was taken away.

Since the city returned to Chinese rule in 1997, critics say Beijing has reneged on a commitment to maintain Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and freedoms under a “one country, two systems” arrangement.

The protesters had demanded that China’s Communist Party leaders allow genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong to select its leader. Police cleared the demonstrators in December 2014, and authorities granted no democratic concessions.

Mr Chan, in passing sentence, acknowledged the right to civil disobedience and the right to assembly and free speech, but said the protracted road blockages had caused suffering to the public and that some restrictions on freedoms were necessary in a democratic society.

Retired pastor Chu Yiu-ming (75) received a suspended sentence, as did veteran democrat Lee Wing-tat and former student leader Eason Chung, with the judge taking into account their ages, public service and clean records.

Another former student leader, Tommy Cheung, was ordered to carry out 200 hours of community service.

Tanya Chan, a lawmaker, had her sentencing postponed until June 10th on medical grounds.

Several hundred supporters, many wearing yellow bands and holding yellow umbrellas, a symbol of the protests, gathered outside the West Kowloon Law Courts. Some sobbed after the sentences were announced while others chanted demands for genuine democracy.

The trial of the activists was considered the most significant legal manoeuvre by authorities to punish those involved in the 2014 protests, called Occupy Central, in reference to the city’s central business district.

The demonstrations were Hong Kong’s biggest and most protracted in recent decades and one of the boldest challenges to China’s leaders since pro-democracy protests in and around Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Organisers estimated that more than one million people took part in the protests over nearly three months. – Reuters